Translations:SIDO Råmåttsmätning/7/en

Från DataPolarna
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  1. PIN-Code: L6L26
  2. Click ”PIN-Download” followed by ”Download” on next page.
  3. Download will start. The installation file is rather big, almost 100 Mb.
  4. When the download is complete, go to the directory where the file was saved and unpack the file ”MarConnect--MarCom_Standard--MarCom_5.1-2--SW—”.
  5. Execute ”S e t u p-MarCom.exe”.
  6. Follow all instructions and install all necessary drivers.
  7. The MarCom program starts automatically when the installation is complete. If it is not started, click on the MarCom icon on the desktop.
  8. Double click on the text ”Double Click Here”