Translations:SIDO Råmåttsmätning/4/en

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  1. Execute ”SIDOBoardMeasurement.msi”
  2. Follow the instructions and install the application.
  3. In the Windows Start menu, locate the program ”SIDO Board Measurement”. Right click on it and select ”Run as administrator”.
  4. Enter the path to DIRECTORY where the .sido file is stored (point 12 under MarCom installation).
  5. Enter the URL that you received from us in the second field.
  6. Click on Start service.
  7. The program installs as a service in Windows.
  8. Open ”Services” in Windows and make sure the service is running.
  9. Make a measurement with value 0.0
    If the caliper is not already a registered meter in SIDO, it will be created and will then be visible both on the administration page in SIDO and selectable in the measurement of dimensions on the assignment display.
  10. The caliper can now be used when measuring dimensions.