SIDO Display/en

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Det här är en översatt version av sidan SIDO Display. Översättningen är till 85% färdig och uppdaterad.

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English • ‎svenska

Assignment display

The assignment display shows current assignments. Based on the settings, even finished and/or upcoming assignments can be shown.

Det finns sex olika färger på knapparna:

The assignment may be started, but has not started yet.

The assignment is reported as started.

The assignment is reported as completed. The time shown is the time since the assignment was carried out.

The assignment has not begun. The time when it should have been done has passed.

Grey (inactive)
The assignment is in the future and may not be started. The time shown is the time until the assignment will begin.

Assignments in the future that cannot be started yet.

Assignment details

Once an assignment button is clicked, detailed information about the assignment is shown with text and image(s).

At this page, the buttons Assignment started/Assignment completed, are available. When an assignment is completed, a note can be given and a the person reporting the assignment as completed are selected.


Data collected from different assignments.


At a break in production, you can click on the "Maintenance" button to show assignments that are only shown during downtime. These assignments are treated as any other assignments and are reported as completed in the same way.

Create issue


Man kan när som helst rapportera ett fel genom att klicka på felanmälan-knappen.

Here you specify an error type and description, and choose who has reported the error. In addition there is an option to attach a photo or other document.

A notification is sent to the person responsible for the department. A list of all error reports are available on the administration page.


Man kan när som helst rapportera ett tillbud genom att klicka på tillbud-knappen.

Here you describe the incident, who was present, and the sequence of events. In addition there is an option to attach a photo or other document.

A notification is sent to the person responsible for the department. A list of all incidents are available on the administration page.

Suggestions for improvement

Send suggestions for improvement.