Skillnad mellan versioner av "Translations:GanttScheduler Ändringshistorik/12/en"

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Nuvarande version från 7 mars 2016 kl. 09.48

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Definition av meddelandet (GanttScheduler Ändringshistorik)
== V3.0.34 2015-03-30 ==
* Autoplanering
** Nya Resursegenskaper Prioritet, Autoschedulerad.
** Import av fil äldre än 5 minuter ger varning.
* Inställningar för resurser omgjord.
* Personal går tilldela på aktiviteter. Max 3 arbetare per aktivitet.
** Man definierar skiftlag under verktyg / hantera / personal.
** Tilldela personal visas på högerklick på aktivitet.
** I verktygsfältet under aktiviteter. Konfigurering krävs.
** I rapportformuläret. Konfigurering krävs.
* Arbetsorder går även skriva ut för personal.
* Rättat fel vid uppdatering av saldo på lastficka då man rapporterar lastning/rensning.
* Tillståndet på visa meddelanden sparas så att man inte behöver slå av det vid start.
* Det system som skapade aktiviteten sparas. 
** GanttScheduler, MineInsight, ABB autoplanering, ABB hoist, Minemap och Deswik.
* Rättat undo. Rapporterade tider blev förändrade om man ångrade funktionen ta bort gavel ur plan.
* Aktivitetstyper går att inaktivera.
* Vid rapportering av avbrott så blir återstående längd satt till
(längd på aktivitet före avbrott minus rapporterad längd) istället för aktivitetens standardlängd.
* Filtrering på nivå sker inte vid import av salva till skivpall (Tara).
Översättning== V3.0.34 2015-03-30 ==
* ABB Optimization 
** New resource properties, Priority, Autoscheduled
** Importing file older than 5 minutes give warning. 
* Settings for Resources remade. 
* Personnel can be assigned to activities. Maximum of 3 workers per task. 
** You define the shift crew under tools/manage/personnel. 
** Assigning personnel appear on the context menu on activity. 
** Personnel is shown in the Activity toolbar. Configuration is required. 
** Personnel is shown in report form. Configuration is required. 
* Work order can be printed for personnel. 
* Corrected error when updating balance in remuck locations when reporting loading/cleanup. 
* The state of show messages are stored so that you do not need to turn it on/off at startup. 
* The system that created the task is saved.  
** GanttScheduler, MineInsight, autoplanering, ABB, ABB hoist Minemap and Deswik. 
* Fixed undo. Reported times was changed if you undid the remove heading from plan. 
* Activity types can be inactivated. 
* When reporting ongoing activities, the remaining length set to (length of activity before break minus reported length) instead of the standard length. 
* Import round to stope in stope properties (Tara)
** Matching level requirement removed.
** Level is shown in the grid instead.

V3.0.34 2015-03-30

  • ABB Optimization
    • New resource properties, Priority, Autoscheduled
    • Importing file older than 5 minutes give warning.
  • Settings for Resources remade.
  • Personnel can be assigned to activities. Maximum of 3 workers per task.
    • You define the shift crew under tools/manage/personnel.
    • Assigning personnel appear on the context menu on activity.
    • Personnel is shown in the Activity toolbar. Configuration is required.
    • Personnel is shown in report form. Configuration is required.
  • Work order can be printed for personnel.
  • Corrected error when updating balance in remuck locations when reporting loading/cleanup.
  • The state of show messages are stored so that you do not need to turn it on/off at startup.
  • The system that created the task is saved.
    • GanttScheduler, MineInsight, autoplanering, ABB, ABB hoist Minemap and Deswik.
  • Fixed undo. Reported times was changed if you undid the remove heading from plan.
  • Activity types can be inactivated.
  • When reporting ongoing activities, the remaining length set to (length of activity before break minus reported length) instead of the standard length.
  • Import round to stope in stope properties (Tara)
    • Matching level requirement removed.
    • Level is shown in the grid instead.