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- 20 januari 2025 kl. 07.25 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/130/en (Skapade sidan med 'To be able to present the assignments per role, you must select a role and choose whether everyone in the department should be able to acknowledge the assignment or whether only personnel with the selected role should be able to acknowledge the assignment.')
- 20 januari 2025 kl. 07.24 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/129/en (Skapade sidan med 'Then you choose which department and area the assignment should appear in. If you want to use the same assignment in multiple departments, you must create a copy of the assignment definition and select a different department in the new one. This means that you can only create one assignment in one department per assignment definition.')
- 20 januari 2025 kl. 07.24 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/128/en (Skapade sidan med 'The next step is to choose whether you want a checklist and/or input fields.')
- 20 januari 2025 kl. 07.24 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/126/en (Skapade sidan med 'The description is displayed when you open the assignment.')
- 20 januari 2025 kl. 07.24 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/125/en (Skapade sidan med 'The title is what will also appear on the buttons on the mission screen. Try to keep the title as short as possible.')
- 20 januari 2025 kl. 07.23 Erik diskussion bidrag markerade SIDO för översättning
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 12.00 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/124/en (Skapade sidan med 'Select the task type "Scheduled".')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.46 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/122/en (Skapade sidan med '===Scheduled Assignments===')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.46 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/121/en (Skapade sidan med 'Depending on the task type, there are different things you can specify on the task definition. Here we will show an example of a scheduled task and an instruction/routine.')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.46 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/120/en (Skapade sidan med '*'''Downtime'''<br>Assignments that end up under the Downtime tab on the assignment screen. These tasks are intended to be carried out if an downtime occurs. This allows you to see if there is anything you can do during the downtime. *'''One-time job'''<br>A task that will only be done once. *'''Instruction/routine'''<br>Tasks that will be displayed on the task screen under Instructions. *'''Scheduled'''<br>Tasks that will be carried out at regular intervals. When a sche...')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.45 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/119/en (Skapade sidan med 'The first thing you do is choose the assignment type:')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.45 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/118/en (Skapade sidan med 'You could say that an assignment definition is a template that is used to create tasks on the assignment screen. In addition to a description of the task, the task definition also contains rules for where it should be displayed, who can acknowledge it, when and how often it should be created, etc.')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.44 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/117/en (Skapade sidan med '==Assignment Definitions==')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.44 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/116/en (Skapade sidan med 'In the same way that you can use areas to divide assignments in a department, you can use instruction categories to divide instructions into different categories.')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.44 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/115/en (Skapade sidan med '==Instruction Category==')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.43 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/114/en (Skapade sidan med 'Here you can set one or more input fields to be mandatory. Then you must fill in something in these fields in order to acknowledge an assignment. This applies to all assignments that use the input template.')
- 8 januari 2025 kl. 10.43 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/112/en (Skapade sidan med 'If you want to collect data in connection with reporting on an assignment, you can create an input template with one or more input fields. In the same way as checklists, you can use one input template for multiple assignments.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.41 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/111/en (Skapade sidan med '==Input template==')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.41 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/110/en (Skapade sidan med 'It is also possible to choose to make the checklist mandatory. This means that all items must be checked in order to be able to acknowledge the assignment. If you choose to make the checklist mandatory, it will apply to all assignments that use the checklist.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.41 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/109/en (Skapade sidan med '*'''Radio (single choice)'''<br>Unlike checkbox, in the radio list you can only select one option.<br>File:SIDO_radio.png')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.40 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/108/en (Skapade sidan med '*'''Checkbox (multiple choice)'''<br>A point in the checklist can have three different statuses: not checked, checked ok, checked not ok.<br>When you click on a point on a checklist, it is marked with a green checkmark. If you click on the same point again, it is marked with a red line. This way you can see which points have been checked and which are ok and which are not ok.<br>File:SIDO_check.png')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.40 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/107/en (Skapade sidan med 'There are two different types of checklists:')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.40 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/106/en (Skapade sidan med 'A checklist contains one or more items. The same checklist can be used on several different assignments.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.40 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/105/en (Skapade sidan med '==Checklists==')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.40 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/104/en (Skapade sidan med 'By using a work schedule when planning your scheduled tasks, you can ensure that tasks are only created during working hours and that no tasks are created when they should not be created.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.40 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/103/en (Skapade sidan med 'The light blue fields are working hours while the dark blue ones are breaks/weekends.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.39 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/101/en (Skapade sidan med 'In this case, we have first added all the time that is not working time. The weekend starts on Friday at 4:00 PM and lasts for 63 hours until Monday at 7:00 AM. Then we have three breaks during the day and finally we have added working time between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Since working time has the lowest priority, any breaks will remove working time during the day and the weekend. Here is what the schedule looks like based on these activities.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.39 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/99/en (Skapade sidan med 'It is possible to create schedules in different ways, here is an example of how to create a simple daily schedule.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.39 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/98/en (Skapade sidan med 'The duration of the activity specifies how long it is and repeat specifies the interval at which the activity should be generated. Then you specify whether it should be working time or not.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.39 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/97/en (Skapade sidan med 'Each activity has a name and an optional description. You then specify when the activity should start (the first time) and how long we should continue to generate this activity in the future (so it has nothing to do with how long the activity itself is).')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.39 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/96/en (Skapade sidan med 'When editing a work schedule, you add one or more activities that have a given start time, duration, and interval. You also specify whether or not they should be counted as working time. The order of the activities determines their priority when working time is calculated.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.39 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/94/en (Skapade sidan med 'A work schedule is used to calculate working hours when scheduling an assignment. In the schedule, you enter times that are working hours and times that should not be working hours. This way, you can create assignments that only end up in working hours. If you have an assignment that needs to be completed after a certain number of working hours, the work schedule is also a way to calculate when the next assignment should be created.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.38 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/93/en (Skapade sidan med '==Work schedule==')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.38 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/92/en (Skapade sidan med 'By grouping the deviations in this way, it is possible to create reports where you can see which causes create the most deviations, for example.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.38 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/91/en (Skapade sidan med 'For example, you can have a deviation group called "Staff shortage" that contains the deviation reasons "Illness", "Vacation", "Other".')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.37 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/90/en (Skapade sidan med 'When you want to report a deviation on an assignment, you must select a deviation cause. These deviation causes are grouped into a deviation group that can then be linked to one or more areas. When you are then in an assignment and want to report a deviation, you can choose from the deviation causes that are linked to the current assignment through its area.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.37 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/89/en (Skapade sidan med '==Deviations==')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.37 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/88/en (Skapade sidan med 'Finally, you can enter a PIN code that the person will use to acknowledge instructions and assignments if they require it.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.37 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/87/en (Skapade sidan med 'Here you also choose which roles the person will belong to.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.37 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/86/en (Skapade sidan med 'Enter name, email and select which departments the person will have access to. Location controls which departments appear in the list and is only used if you work with multiple geographic locations.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.36 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/85/en (Skapade sidan med 'Everyone who should be able to sign off on assignments is placed under personnel. A person can belong to one or more departments and be part of one or more roles.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.36 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/84/en (Skapade sidan med '==Staff==')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.36 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/83/en (Skapade sidan med 'When editing a role, you select the people who should be included.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.36 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/82/en (Skapade sidan med 'A role can also be responsible for an assignment, and then everyone in the role will receive notifications unless the department has set something else.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.35 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/81/en (Skapade sidan med 'When creating an assignment, you can choose that only personnel within a certain role can acknowledge an assignment.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.35 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/80/en (Skapade sidan med 'On the assignment screen, you can group assignments either by area or by role. Personnel can belong to one or more roles.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.34 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/79/en (Skapade sidan med '==Roles==')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.34 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/78/en (Skapade sidan med 'When you later create a mission and select a location, the departments of that location will become selectable. When you select a department, the areas of the department will become selectable.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.34 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/77/en (Skapade sidan med 'In this case, you set up two locations, Location 1 and Location 2. Then you set up a Vehicle department at each location. So there will be two vehicle departments, but they are linked to their own location. In the same way, the Truck and Wheel Loader areas are set up. These are also linked to the location, which means that there will be a total of four areas.')
- 7 januari 2025 kl. 15.34 Erik diskussion bidrag skapade sidan Translations:SIDO/76/en (Skapade sidan med 'The business is located in two different geographical locations (Location 1 and Location 2). At these locations, the company wants to perform vehicle inspections on forklifts and wheel loaders.')