Skillnad mellan versioner av "Translations:GanttScheduler Ändringshistorik/1/en"

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Nuvarande version från 7 mars 2016 kl. 09.30

Information om meddelandet (bidra)
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Definition av meddelandet (GanttScheduler Ändringshistorik)
== V3.0.45 2015-12-08 ==
* Inaktiva störningsorsaker och maskiner ska inte visas i programmet.
* Man kan visa meddelanden som tooltip. Inställning krävs. 
** Under arkiv/inställningar. 
** För varje ganttvy som visar meddelande. 
** Under serie sätt Visa hint om till ”true”.
** Under infotext kryssa i ”Visa i hint”. 
* Arbetsorder visa föregående aktivitet då den slutar exakt samtidigt som nästa startar.
* Resurser går ställa in så att de inte visar platsmeddelanden som saknar aktivitetstyp och resursgrupp.
** Inställningen är i Verktyg/Hantera/Hantera aktivitetstyper och resurser.
** Inställningen ligger på varje resurs och heter ”Visa generella platsmeddelanden”.
* Kommentarstvång för extra aktiviteter inställningsbart. Inställningen finns under Verktyg/Inställningar och heter ”Kommentar måste anges för extra aktiviteter”.
* Rapporterade aktiviteter visas på den tiden som rapporterats oavsett schema.
** Knuff och flytt använder schema.
** Om man vill lägga en aktivitet utanför schema kan man hålla ner alt medan man flyttar den.
** Håll ner shift om man vill flytta istället för förlänga den då aktiviteten är liten.
** Kravet att hålla ner alt då man ska förlänga en aktivitet som vissa körde med är borttagen.
* Det går ändra skiftschema på flera aktiviteter åt gången.
* Det går sätta meddelanden som viktiga. Då skrivs de ut på arbetsordern oavsett om de hör till platsen eller inte.
* Pastafyll och gråbergsfyll finns i pallegenskaper.
* Ton med gråbergspåslag används i pallegenskaper.
* Dynamisk kapacitet går lägga in på längdformler.
* Då man rapporterar lastning så visas en kryssruta ”Fullt”, om man kryssar i den så sätts kapaciteten på lastfickan till dess innehåll. 
** Man aktiviteter funktionen under Verktyg/Inställningar i kryssrutan ”Rapportera destination full”.
* Rättat skapa destination så att den inte ger databasfel.
Översättning== V3.0.45 2015-12-08 ==
* Inactive delay causes and machines will not appear in the program.
* You can view messages as tooltip. Setting is required.
** In the File / Preferences.
** For each ganttview showing messages.
** During sequential manner Show hint about to "true".
** During info text and check "Show hint".
* Work order, the previous activity is shown when it ends exactly at the same time as the next start.
* Resources can be set up so that they do not show location messages that neither has activity type nor resource group.
** The setting is in the Tools / Manage / Manage activity types and resources.
** The setting is located on each resource and is called "View generic place messages".
* Comment requirement for extra activities is configurable. This setting is found under Tools / Preferences and is called "Comments must be reported for extra activities."
* Rep orted activities shown at the exact recorded time, regardless of schedule.
** Moving activities and the push feature use schedule.
** If you want an activity outside the schedule, you can hold down Alt while moving it.
** Press and hold down shift if you want to move, rather than extend it when the activity is small.
** The requirement to hold down alt when you extend an activity is removed.
* You can change the shift schedule on several activities at a time.
* You can mark messages as important. Messages will then be printed on all work orders whether they belong to the place or not.
* Paste fill and waste rock fill is available in stope properties.
* Tons including waste dilution is used in stope properties.
* Dynamic capacity can be used in length formulas.
* When reporting loading a check box "Full" is available, if you check it then the capacity of the re-muck bay is adjusted to its content.
** The activities function under Tools / Options in the check box "Report destination is filled".

V3.0.45 2015-12-08

  • Inactive delay causes and machines will not appear in the program.
  • You can view messages as tooltip. Setting is required.
    • In the File / Preferences.
    • For each ganttview showing messages.
    • During sequential manner Show hint about to "true".
    • During info text and check "Show hint".
  • Work order, the previous activity is shown when it ends exactly at the same time as the next start.
  • Resources can be set up so that they do not show location messages that neither has activity type nor resource group.
    • The setting is in the Tools / Manage / Manage activity types and resources.
    • The setting is located on each resource and is called "View generic place messages".
  • Comment requirement for extra activities is configurable. This setting is found under Tools / Preferences and is called "Comments must be reported for extra activities."
  • Rep orted activities shown at the exact recorded time, regardless of schedule.
    • Moving activities and the push feature use schedule.
    • If you want an activity outside the schedule, you can hold down Alt while moving it.
    • Press and hold down shift if you want to move, rather than extend it when the activity is small.
    • The requirement to hold down alt when you extend an activity is removed.
  • You can change the shift schedule on several activities at a time.
  • You can mark messages as important. Messages will then be printed on all work orders whether they belong to the place or not.
  • Paste fill and waste rock fill is available in stope properties.
  • Tons including waste dilution is used in stope properties.
  • Dynamic capacity can be used in length formulas.
  • When reporting loading a check box "Full" is available, if you check it then the capacity of the re-muck bay is adjusted to its content.
    • The activities function under Tools / Options in the check box "Report destination is filled".