MoistPal Användarmanual Webb/en: Skillnad mellan sidversioner

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(30 mellanliggande sidversioner av 2 användare visas inte)
Rad 1: Rad 1:
== Login ==
== Login ==
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För att komma åt lagrade mätningar, måste du ha ett MoistPal-användarkonto. När ett konto skapas skickas en aktiveringslänk tillsammans med användarnamn och lösenord till användarens e-postadress.<br><br>
Om du är enda användaren vid datorn du använder kan du klicka i rutan <strong><em>Kom ihåg mig</em></strong>.<br><br>
To access the stored measurements, you must have a MoistPal user account. Once an account is created, an activation link along with username and password will be sent to the user's email address.<br /><br /> If you are the only user of the computer you use, you can click in the box <strong><em>Remember me</em></strong>.<br /><br /> If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot your password? You then fill in your email address and a new password will be sent to you. Recovery can only be made to the email address registered to your account.<br /><br /> After login, you can change your password. This is done under<strong><em>Settings/My account</em></strong>.
Har du glömt ditt lösenord klickar du på länken Glömt lösenordet? Du får då fylla i din e-post adress och ett nytt lösenord skickas till dig. Återställning kan bara ske till den e-postadress som är registrerat på kontot.<br><br>
Efter inloggning kan du ändra ditt lösenord. Detta gör du under <strong><em>Inställningar/Mitt konto</em></strong>.

== Measurement series - overview==
== Measurement series - overview ==  
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Normalt visas mätningar genomförda de senaste 30 dagarna, men det går att ändra genom att välja ett annat datumintervall. Det går också att begränsa antalet träffar genom att välja till exempel träslag.<br><br>
Klickar du i rutan vid <strong>Visa dolda mätserier</strong> visas även mätserier som är borttagna. Dessa mätserier visas med ett streck över texten. <br><br>
Normally measurements conducted in the last 30 days are displayed, but it can be changed by selecting a different date range. You can also limit the number of hits by choosing, for example, wood type.<br /><br /> If you click in the box <strong>hidden measurement series</strong> deleted measurement series are also shown. These are shown as strikeout text. <br /><br /> The shown results can be copied to the clipboard, export to CSV, Excel, or PDF and print.<br /><br /> Click on a line for a series of measurements to see detailed information.
Det visade resultatet går att kopiera till urklipp, exportera till CSV, Excel, eller PDF samt skriva ut.<br><br>
Klicka på en rad för en mätserie för att se detaljerad information.
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== Measurement series - details ==
== Measurement series - details ==  
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På detaljsidan visas alla detaljer för vald mätserie. Du kan bland annat se tidpunkt för mätningen, träslag, vilken mätare som användes, vem som gjorde mätningen, temperatur vid mättillfället, antal mätvärden, medelvärde, standardavvikelse, mm.<br><br>
En graf och en lista visar alla mätningar för den valda mätserien. <br><br>
On the detail page all the details of the selected measurement series are shown. You can among other things see the time of measurement, the wood type, the meter used, who did the measurement, the temperature at the time of measurement, number of readings, average value, standard deviation, etc. <br />A graph and a list showing all records for the selected measurement series. <br />If no value should be removed from the measurement, place the mouse pointer over the measurement, and click the delete icon. The measured value is grayed and the text crossed out. Do you want to activate a measurement again, do the same way in an inactive value. Measured values can be already deleted / disabled in the app before they are synchronized to the web, they appear as greyed out (disabled) readings automatically. Inactivated values are not included in other measurement tasks at hand. If a reading is too far from the standard deviation will be highlighted in red.
Om något värde ska tas bort från mätningen placerar du muspekaren över mätvärdet och klickar på radera symbolen. Mätvärdet blir då gråmarkerat och texten överstruken. Vill du aktivera ett mätvärde igen gör du på motsvarande sätt på ett inaktivt värde. Mätvärden kan redan vara borttagna/inaktiverade i appen innan de har synkroniserats till webben, dessa visas då som gråmarkerade (inaktiverade) mätvärden automatiskt. Inaktiverade värden räknas inte med i övriga mätuppgifter på sidan. Om ett mätvärde ligger för långt ifrån standardavvikelsen blir det rödmarkerat.
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Vill du ta bort en hel mätserie klickar du på <strong><em>Dölj hela mätserien</em></strong>. Texten Den här mätserien är dold visas då ovanför knappen. Den visas inte i översikten om du inte har valt att dolda mätserier ska visas.<br><br>
Mätserien kan aktiveras igen genom att klicka på <strong><em>Visa mätserien</em></strong>.
To delete an entire serie of measurements, click on <strong> <em> Hide measurement serie </em> </strong>. The text "this measurement serie is hidden", then shows over the button. It will not appear in the overview if you have not chosen to show hidden measurements series. <br />The series can be activated again by clicking <strong> <em> Show measurement series </em> </strong>.
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== Measurement report ==
== Measurement report ==  
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Från sidan <strong>Mätserier – detaljer</strong> finns även en länk där du kan logga in och skriva ut en mätrapport.<br><br>
Rapporten ligger på en rapportserver och för att kunna logga in använder du användarnamnet och lösenordet som visas på webbsidan.
From the <strong> Measurement series - details </strong> page is also a link where you can login and print out a measurement report. <br />The report is located on a report server and to log in using the username and password displayed on the website.
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== Settings / My account ==
== Settings/My account ==  
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Under <strong>Inställningar/Mitt konto</strong> visas uppgifter om ditt konto. Här ser du vilka mätare du har tillgång till och vilka andra användare som finns inom din organisation.<br><br>
Här kan du även ändra ditt lösenord.<br><br>
Under <strong> Settings / My Account </strong> information about your account will be shown. Here you can see which meters you have access to and which other users exists within your organization. <br />You can also change your password. <br />Click on the notepad at a meter to edit measurement compensation.
Klicka på anteckningsblocket vid en mätare för att redigera mätarkompensering.
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[[Fil:Mina installningar.jpg|600px|thumb|left]]  
[[Fil:Mina installningar.jpg|600px|thumb|left]]  

== Measurement compensation ==
== Measurement compensation ==  
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Det finns möjlighet att per mätare och organisation manuellt ställa in mätarkompensering vid vissa angivna temperaturer.<br><br>Det är det faktiska värdet som ska anges för respektive temperatur och fuktkvot.
It is possible to per meter and organization manually set measurement compensation at specified temperatures. <br /> It is the actual value to be given for each temperature and moisture content.
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== Kontakt/Support ==
== Contact/Support ==  
Växel: +46 (0)910 120 90<br><br>
<strong>Phone</strong><br />
Switchboard: +46 910 120 90<br /><br />  
<strong>E-mail</strong><br />  
Information:<br />  
Suport:<br /><br />  
DataPolarna AB<br>
<strong>Address</strong><br />  
Vretgatan 5<br>
DataPolarna AB<br />  
931 33 Skellefteå
Vretgatan 5<br />  
SE-931 33 Skellefteå<br />

Nuvarande version från 12 juni 2017 kl. 08.18


To access the stored measurements, you must have a MoistPal user account. Once an account is created, an activation link along with username and password will be sent to the user's email address.

If you are the only user of the computer you use, you can click in the box Remember me.

If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot your password? You then fill in your email address and a new password will be sent to you. Recovery can only be made to the email address registered to your account.

After login, you can change your password. This is done underSettings/My account.

Measurement series - overview

Normally measurements conducted in the last 30 days are displayed, but it can be changed by selecting a different date range. You can also limit the number of hits by choosing, for example, wood type.

If you click in the box hidden measurement series deleted measurement series are also shown. These are shown as strikeout text.

The shown results can be copied to the clipboard, export to CSV, Excel, or PDF and print.

Click on a line for a series of measurements to see detailed information.

Measurement series - details

On the detail page all the details of the selected measurement series are shown. You can among other things see the time of measurement, the wood type, the meter used, who did the measurement, the temperature at the time of measurement, number of readings, average value, standard deviation, etc.
A graph and a list showing all records for the selected measurement series.
If no value should be removed from the measurement, place the mouse pointer over the measurement, and click the delete icon. The measured value is grayed and the text crossed out. Do you want to activate a measurement again, do the same way in an inactive value. Measured values can be already deleted / disabled in the app before they are synchronized to the web, they appear as greyed out (disabled) readings automatically. Inactivated values are not included in other measurement tasks at hand. If a reading is too far from the standard deviation will be highlighted in red.

To delete an entire serie of measurements, click on Hide measurement serie . The text "this measurement serie is hidden", then shows over the button. It will not appear in the overview if you have not chosen to show hidden measurements series.
The series can be activated again by clicking Show measurement series .

Measurement report

From the Measurement series - details page is also a link where you can login and print out a measurement report.
The report is located on a report server and to log in using the username and password displayed on the website.

Settings/My account

Under Settings / My Account information about your account will be shown. Here you can see which meters you have access to and which other users exists within your organization.
You can also change your password.
Click on the notepad at a meter to edit measurement compensation.

Measurement compensation

It is possible to per meter and organization manually set measurement compensation at specified temperatures.
It is the actual value to be given for each temperature and moisture content.


Switchboard: +46 910 120 90


DataPolarna AB
Vretgatan 5
SE-931 33 Skellefteå