MoistPal Användarmanual App/en: Skillnad mellan sidversioner

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Skapade sidan med 'At the top right, there is an MP icon and an update icon. They make it possible to connect to the meter, view the status and synchronize the cloud.'
Skapade sidan med 'The verify against calibration block function can be found under the three points when on the home screen (measurement series list). When you click the button you have to choo...'
(31 mellanliggande sidversioner av 2 användare visas inte)
Rad 18: Rad 18:
| style="width:auto; vertical-align:top; border:0px solid #aaa; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
| style="width:auto; vertical-align:top; border:0px solid #aaa; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
At the top right, there is an MP icon and an update icon. They make it possible to connect to the meter, view the status and synchronize the cloud.
At the top right, there is an MP icon and an update icon. They make it possible to connect to the meter, view the status and synchronize the cloud.
== Anslut till mätare ==
== Connect to meter ==
Tryck på MP ikonen uppe till höger. Välj mätare i dialogen. Se till att mätaren är igång, genom att hålla in knappen på mätaren och se till att den blinkar grönt (den piper även till). Man stänger av mätaren på samma sätt som man startar den, men då lyser den rött och låter lite annars.
Press MP icon at the upper right. Select Meter in the dialogue. Make sure the meter is running, press and hold the button on the meter and make sure the led flash green ( it beeps also ) . You turn off the meter in the same way as you start it, when it flash red it is off.

MP Ikonen blir grön när man är ansluten till en mätare, om man klickar på den då får man alternativet att koppla från.
MP icon turns green when connected to a meter, if you click on it then you have the option to disconnect.

== Synkronisera mot molnet==
== Sync to the cloud ==
Trycka på synkroniserings knappen uppe till höger (två pilar i en cirkel). På mindre mobiler så hamnar synkroniserings knappen under tre punkter ikonen ("Synkronisera nu").
Pressing the sync button in the upper right ( two arrows in a circle).

När mobilen synkroniserar mot molnet så skickas sparade mätserier till molnet och användarinställningar hämtas.
When the phone syncs to the cloud saved measurement series are sent and user settings are downloaded.
= Lista Mätserier=  
= List measurement series =  
{| style="background:transparent;"
{| style="background:transparent;"
| style="width:220px; vertical-align:top; border:0px; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
| style="width:220px; vertical-align:top; border:0px; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
| style="width:auto; vertical-align:top; border:0px solid #aaa; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
| style="width:auto; vertical-align:top; border:0px solid #aaa; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
Efter inloggningen kommer du till listan med de senaste mätserierna. Här kan du editera/skapa mätserier och se deras status.
After login a list of the last measurement series is shown. Here you can edit/create measurement series and see their status.
En mätserie kan ha 3 olika färger
A series of measurements can have 3 different colors
* Röd: Inte sparad
* Red: Not Saved
* Gul: Sparad men inte synkad
* Yellow: Saved but not in sync
* Vit: Sparad och synkad.
* White : saved and synced .

== Skapa ny mätserie ==
== Create new measurement series ==
Tryck på den blåa plus knappen. Fyll i de obligatoriska fälten träslag, trätemperatur och fuktkvotsmätare (dessa fält går inte att ändra efter mätserien är skapad). Trätemperatur går att skriva in manuellt eller att mäta genom de mindre stiftet (krävs att mobilen är ansluten till en mätare). Tryck på skapa.
Press the blue plus button. Fill in the required fields, woods, wood temperature and moisture meter (these fields can not be changed after the measurement series is created). Wood temperature can be entered manually or by measuring through the small pin on the moisture meter (requires that the cell phone is connected to a meter). Press on create.

== Ta bort mätserie==
== Delete measurement series ==
Markera en mätserie genom att trycka ett längre tag på en mätserie. Ta bort markerade mätserier genom att trycka på soptunnan i högra hörnet. Sparade mätserier som blivit synkade till molnet blir borttagna automatiskt med jämna intervall. De går att ställa in intervallet i inställningar.
Select a measurement series by pressing a while longer on a series. Delete selected measurement series by pressing the bin in the right corner. Saved measurement series that have been synced to the cloud will be deleted automatically at regular intervals (They will only be delete from the phone not the cloud).

== Meny ==
== Menu ==
Under tre punkter kan du välja att verifiera mätare mot mätblock eller att gå in till inställningar.
Under the icon with three points you can choose to verify the meter to measurement block or to go into the settings.

Rad 57: Rad 57:
| style="width:auto; vertical-align:top; border:0px solid #aaa; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
| style="width:auto; vertical-align:top; border:0px solid #aaa; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
Efter att man har valt skapa/editera en mätserie från mätserie listan så kommer man till mätserie vyn.
After you have chosen to create/edit a measurements series you will get to the detail measurement series view.
Här kan man ange information om mätserien som torksats, tork m.m. Man kan skapa/ta bort/exkludera mätningar och skriva in torrvikter på mätningarna.
Here you can enter information about the measurement series as batch , kiln etc. You can create/ delete/exclude measurements and entering dry weights to the measurements.
De finns 4 st tabbar i mätserie vyn, de går att navigera mellan tabbarna genom att dra med fingret över skärmen (till vänster och höger) eller genom att trycka på tabbarna.
There are 4 tabs in the measurements series view, you can navigate between tabs by dragging your finger across the screen (left and right) or by pressing on the tabs.
Spara mätserien genom att klicka på meny knappen (tre punkter) och sedan Spara.
Save the measurement series by clicking the menu button ( three dots ) and then Save.

== Information ==
== Information ==

Den här vyn består an en mängd med fält där man kan fylla i information om mätserien. Fälten som finns tillgängliga för tillfället är listade nedan.
This view has a variety of fields where you can enter information about the measurement series. The fields that are currently available are listed below.

; Namn
; Name
: Gör det enkelt att identifiera mätserien i en lista av mätserier. Sätts automatiskt till användarens prefix och dagens datum (med tid). Användarens prefix går att ställa in i inställningar och på webben.
: Make it easy to identify the series of measurements in a list of measurement series. Is automatically added as the user prefix and the current date (time). User prefix can be set in settings and on the Web.
; Träslag
; Type of wood
: Väljs när man skapar mätserien, går inte att ändra. Används för att räkna fram fuktkvot.
: Selected when creating a measurement series, can not be changed. Used to calculate the moisture content.
; Trätemperatur
; Wood temperature
: Väljs när man skapar mätserien, går inte att ändra. Används för att räkna fram fuktkvot.
: Selected when creating a measurement series, can not be changed. Used to calculate the moisture content.
; Fuktkvotsmätare
; Moisture meter
: Väljs när man skapar mätserien, går inte att ändra.
: Selected when creating a measurement series, can not be changed.
; Torksats
; Batch
: Fritext med möjlighet att välja en fördefinierad torksats som kommer från något annat system.
: Free text with the option to choose a predefined batch that comes from any other system.
; Tork
; Kiln
: Välj ur lista, går att ställa in via webben.
: Choose from the list, can be set via the web.
; Torkprogram
; Drying program
: Fritext med möjlighet att välja ett tidigare inmatat värde.
: Free text with the opportunity to select a previously entered value.
; Dimension
; Dimension
: Fritext med möjlighet att välja ett tidigare inmatat värde.
: Free text with the opportunity to select a previously entered value.
; Sågsätt
; Sawing method
: Fritext med möjlighet att välja ett tidigare inmatat värde.
: Free text with the opportunity to select a previously entered value.
; Målfuktkvot
; Target moisture content
: Välj ur lista, går att ställa in via webben.
: Choose from the list, can be set via the web.
; Godkänd
; Approved
: Välj ur lista, "inte vald", "inte godkänd" eller "godkänd"
: Choose from the list, "not selected", "not approved" or "approved"
; Dela med andra organisationer
; Share with other organizations
: Välj ur lista, går bara att välja organisation som är tillåtet att dela med. Kontakta support om ni vill kunna dela mätningar till andra organisationer.
: Choose from the list, you can only select organization that has been allowed to share to. Contact support if you want to share measurements to other organizations.
; Anteckningar
; Notes
: Fritext
: Free text

== Mäta ==
== Measuring ==
Visar senaste mätningen och statistik om mätningarna. Går att ta en ny mätning genom att trycka på den blå knappen. Om man inte är ansluten till en mätare så står det "Anslut" på den blå knappen, men när man är ansluten så står det "Ny mätning". Om man vill ta bort den senaste mätningen så kan man trycka på soptunna uppe till höger.
Displays the last measurement and statistics about the measurements. You can take a new measurement by pressing the blue button. If you are not connected to a meter it says "Connect" on the blue button, but when you are connected it says "New measurement". If you want to delete the last measurement, you can press the bin top right.

== Mätningar ==
== Measurements ==
Visar lista av mätningar. Går att exkludera en mätning genom att trycka på ögat till höger på varje mätning. En exkluderad mätning räknas inte med i statistiken på webben.
Displays a list of measurements. Exclude a measurement by pressing the eye on the right of each measurement. An excluded measurement is not counted in the statistics. Remove a measurement completely by first selecting it (by pressing and hold) then click on the bin.
De går att ta bort en mätning helt genom att först markera den genom att trycka ett längre tag på den och sen trycka på soptunnan till höger.

Osäkra mätningar är röda och exkluderade mätningar är lätt grå med överstruken fuktkvot.
Uncertain measurements are red and excluded measurements are slightly gray.

== Torrvikter ==
== Dry Weights ==
Visar en lista med torrvikter. Torrvikterna är kopplade till mätningarna, så man måste ha en mätning för att skapa en torrvikt och om man tar bort en mätning så försvinner torrvikten.
Displays a list of dry weights. Dry weights are related to the measurements, so you have to have a measure to create a dry weight, and if you remove a measurement the related dry weight will also be removed.

== Meny ==  
== Menu ==  

I menyn (tre punkter uppe till höger) så kan man.
In the menu ( three points at top right) you can.

;Anslut automatiskt
; Connect automatically
: Ställa in så att mobilen försöker ansluta automatiskt till mätaren som är kopplad till mätserien.
: Make the phone connect to the moisture meter automatically
;Ta bort
: <u><b>Raderar hela mätserien</b></u>!
:<u><b> Delete the entire series of measurements </b></u>!
;Exkludera min och max
; Exclude min and max
: Exkluderar lägsta och högsta mätningen.
: Excludes minimum and maximum measurement.
: Sparar mätserien till molnet.
: Saves the measurement series to the cloud.

Rad 129: Rad 128:

= Flera användare på samma mobil =
= Several users on the same device =
{| style="background:transparent;"
{| style="background:transparent;"
| style="width:220px; vertical-align:top; border:0px; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
| style="width:220px; vertical-align:top; border:0px; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
| style="width:auto; vertical-align:top; border:0px solid #aaa; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
| style="width:auto; vertical-align:top; border:0px solid #aaa; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
De är möjligt att vara flera användare på samma enhet, men de löser man utanför appen.
It is possible to have multiple users on the same device, but it is done outside of the app.
I Android är det möjligt att skapa flera användare per enhet. De gör man oftast genom att gå in på inställningar/användare, men de ser olika ut på olika enheter.
In Android is possible to create several user. It is usually done by going into Settings/users, but it looks different on different devices.

<b>Appen tillåter ett MoistPal konto per användare</b>. Men en enhet kan har flera användare.
<b> The app allows a MoistPal account per user </b>. But a device can have multiple users.

<b>Äldre Android enheter har inte stöd för flera användare.</b>
<b> Older Android devices does not support multiple users. </b>
= Verify against calibration block =
{| style="background:transparent;"
| style="width:220px; vertical-align:top; border:0px; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
| style="width:auto; vertical-align:top; border:0px solid #aaa; padding: .5em 1.5em;" |
The verify against calibration block function can be found under the three points when on the home screen (measurement series list). When you click the button you have to choose moisture meter. After that, you enter into the interface as shown in the picture. To make a measurement, you put the meter on one of the test points on the calibration block, and press the same test point in the app. When you have measured all test points, press the save icon in the lower right corner. Then the verification will be saved to the cloud.

Nuvarande version från 3 oktober 2016 kl. 08.58

MoistPal Android app can be downloaded from Google Play.


The first time you launch the app, you will be asked to sign in.


At the top right, there is an MP icon and an update icon. They make it possible to connect to the meter, view the status and synchronize the cloud.

Connect to meter

Press MP icon at the upper right. Select Meter in the dialogue. Make sure the meter is running, press and hold the button on the meter and make sure the led flash green ( it beeps also ) . You turn off the meter in the same way as you start it, when it flash red it is off.

MP icon turns green when connected to a meter, if you click on it then you have the option to disconnect.

Sync to the cloud

Pressing the sync button in the upper right ( two arrows in a circle).

When the phone syncs to the cloud saved measurement series are sent and user settings are downloaded.

List measurement series

After login a list of the last measurement series is shown. Here you can edit/create measurement series and see their status. A series of measurements can have 3 different colors

  • Red: Not Saved
  • Yellow: Saved but not in sync
  • White : saved and synced .

Create new measurement series

Press the blue plus button. Fill in the required fields, woods, wood temperature and moisture meter (these fields can not be changed after the measurement series is created). Wood temperature can be entered manually or by measuring through the small pin on the moisture meter (requires that the cell phone is connected to a meter). Press on create.

Delete measurement series

Select a measurement series by pressing a while longer on a series. Delete selected measurement series by pressing the bin in the right corner. Saved measurement series that have been synced to the cloud will be deleted automatically at regular intervals (They will only be delete from the phone not the cloud).


Under the icon with three points you can choose to verify the meter to measurement block or to go into the settings.


After you have chosen to create/edit a measurements series you will get to the detail measurement series view. Here you can enter information about the measurement series as batch , kiln etc. You can create/ delete/exclude measurements and entering dry weights to the measurements. There are 4 tabs in the measurements series view, you can navigate between tabs by dragging your finger across the screen (left and right) or by pressing on the tabs. Save the measurement series by clicking the menu button ( three dots ) and then Save.


This view has a variety of fields where you can enter information about the measurement series. The fields that are currently available are listed below.

Make it easy to identify the series of measurements in a list of measurement series. Is automatically added as the user prefix and the current date (time). User prefix can be set in settings and on the Web.
Type of wood
Selected when creating a measurement series, can not be changed. Used to calculate the moisture content.
Wood temperature
Selected when creating a measurement series, can not be changed. Used to calculate the moisture content.
Moisture meter
Selected when creating a measurement series, can not be changed.
Free text with the option to choose a predefined batch that comes from any other system.
Choose from the list, can be set via the web.
Drying program
Free text with the opportunity to select a previously entered value.
Free text with the opportunity to select a previously entered value.
Sawing method
Free text with the opportunity to select a previously entered value.
Target moisture content
Choose from the list, can be set via the web.
Choose from the list, "not selected", "not approved" or "approved"
Share with other organizations
Choose from the list, you can only select organization that has been allowed to share to. Contact support if you want to share measurements to other organizations.
Free text


Displays the last measurement and statistics about the measurements. You can take a new measurement by pressing the blue button. If you are not connected to a meter it says "Connect" on the blue button, but when you are connected it says "New measurement". If you want to delete the last measurement, you can press the bin top right.


Displays a list of measurements. Exclude a measurement by pressing the eye on the right of each measurement. An excluded measurement is not counted in the statistics. Remove a measurement completely by first selecting it (by pressing and hold) then click on the bin.

Uncertain measurements are red and excluded measurements are slightly gray.

Dry Weights

Displays a list of dry weights. Dry weights are related to the measurements, so you have to have a measure to create a dry weight, and if you remove a measurement the related dry weight will also be removed.


In the menu ( three points at top right) you can.

Connect automatically
Make the phone connect to the moisture meter automatically
Delete the entire series of measurements !
Exclude min and max
Excludes minimum and maximum measurement.
Saves the measurement series to the cloud.

Several users on the same device

It is possible to have multiple users on the same device, but it is done outside of the app. In Android is possible to create several user. It is usually done by going into Settings/users, but it looks different on different devices.

The app allows a MoistPal account per user . But a device can have multiple users.

Older Android devices does not support multiple users.

Verify against calibration block

The verify against calibration block function can be found under the three points when on the home screen (measurement series list). When you click the button you have to choose moisture meter. After that, you enter into the interface as shown in the picture. To make a measurement, you put the meter on one of the test points on the calibration block, and press the same test point in the app. When you have measured all test points, press the save icon in the lower right corner. Then the verification will be saved to the cloud.